The Banja Luka-based company Eko-Euro Tim is starting the construction of a water supply system in Babanovci, near Prnjavor

06.10.2023 Vijesti

The Mayor of Prnjavor, Darko Tomaš, has signed a contract with representatives of the company Eko-Euro Tim from Banja Luka for the construction of a water supply system in Babanovci.

The total investment is worth 818,750 BAM (Bosnian Convertible Mark). Of this amount, 226,000 BAM is provided through the MEG project, while the remaining 593,000 BAM will be covered from the city's budget. The realization of this investment will ensure access to clean drinking water for the residents of the Babanovci local community, as highlighted by the mayor.

The water supply system is approximately 11 kilometers long and will be connected to the reservoir on Maćino Brdo. This means that the residents will have access to water from Poveliče.

A representative of the Eko-Euro Tim company, Aleksandar Đurić, stated that the excavation work will commence at the beginning of the next week.

“We will start excavation work at the beginning of the following week. This project involves an 8-kilometer distribution network and a 3-kilometer secondary network. The completion of the project is planned to be within 160 working days, approximately six months,” as reported by Prnjavor Live.

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