Bojić: Laktaši proclaimed the most favorable micro or small city for investment in Europe for the third consecutive year

17.11.2023 Uncategorized

Laktaši has been declared the most favorable micro or small city for investment in Europe for three consecutive years by “The Financial Times,” according to Mayor Miroslav Bojić.

Bojić states that this recognition from a reputable magazine serves as additional motivation and acknowledgment of Laktaši’s efforts.

“In Laktaši, the largest investments in the Republic of Srpska are being realized. According to our estimates, over 3 million KM has been invested. We have numerous foreign investments, and domestic companies are thriving at full capacity,” says Bojić.

He emphasizes that the current major investment in Laktaši is the facility of the German company Male, expected to be completed by the end of the year, with opening scheduled for February or March of the following year. The facility spans 30,000 square meters.

Bojić highlights that this company, which already operates in Laktaši, needed a new facility due to expansion, and they provided the best conditions. The company employs 520 workers.

Bojić mentions that Iskra Tela L is nearing completion of its factory in Mahovljani, with occupancy planned by the end of the year. The facility covers 15,000 square meters.

He also points out the significant investment by PMP Industries, specializing in manufacturing parts for concrete mixers.

Regarding the dominant economic sector in Laktaši, Bojić mentions the metal and wood processing industries.

“We have 960 registered companies, and the economic sector as a whole has quadrupled compared to four years ago,” says Bojić.

Mayor Bojić states that investors consider various factors when coming to a new area.

“Investors are initially interested in land prices, locations, conditions, infrastructure, and energy supply. Access to municipal administration is crucial; they want a warm welcome and effective communication. We strive to be flexible, accessible, and quickly resolve our procedures,” said Bojić.

Bojić mentions that investors often praise them for the swift permit issuance procedures.

“Building permits are issued within one to five days. We issue regulatory plans in four months, just the time needed to comply with all legal processes,” Bojić said.

He adds that qualified workforce is another parameter investors consider.

“That’s why we initiated the construction of the Vocational Education Center, with the support of the President of the Republic of Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and the Srpska Government. We aim to create the most modern Vocational Education Center. During the Economic Council of the City of Laktaši, we concluded that the Vocational Education Center is the most important item for Laktaši’s further development. Entrepreneurs pledged to assist in its furnishing,” says Bojić. He notes that the first students will start in September 2025 when all necessary work is completed, and teaching staff is employed.

Bojić also mentions efforts to expand capacities in preschool institutions, i.e., kindergartens.

“We increased kindergarten capacities in Laktaši. In Aleksandrovac, we added a nursery group. Veliko Blaško got its kindergarten – a beautiful facility built with government support, and the city invested funds, providing 55 places. Capacity expansion is planned,” he says.

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